The gender reveal party is frightening. Multiple destructive wildfires, a few explosions here and there, what's not to like about the internet-driven trend?
Despite the negative reception the practice has received, a couple in Brazil decided to reveal their baby's gender by dying a waterfall blue.
It turns out that the waterfall was feeding a river that supplies water to a nearby city. According to The Washington Post, the party's timing couldn't have been worse, because the city has been withering under an ongoing dry spell.
Guests standing behind the usual assortment of pink and blue balloons cheered on the couple as the waterfall turned blue to commemorate their baby's possession of a penis. The excess of the ceremony was embodied by a stray blue smoke bomb in case they didn't get the point across.
"So many ways to do a gender-reveal party and they chose just the one that has an environmental impact," said a Brazilian silviculture engineer in a twit.
Um casal de Tangará da Serra (MT) decidiu tingir de azul uma cachoeira para anunciar que o filho que estão esperando é menino. Os vídeos publicados no Instagram foram apagados depois da repercussão negativa.
— Lázaro Thor (@lazarothor1) September 26, 2022
Being stupid isn't a crime but pollution is. According to the WaPo, one of the family members involved in the display is already facing charges.
There has been no change in the water's physical parameters, such as color and other, so far. They are not ruling out widespread pollution just yet.
The ill fated party hosts were quick to throw their charged family member under the bus, saying they weren't aware that the family member would be using a chemical product to dye the water
It is possible that blood is thicker than water.
There are 20,000 gallons of oil leaking into Louisiana marsh lands.