Sorghum seems to be waking up to its potential in the world. Due to its environmental benefits, high yield and food security potential, guinea corn, also known as jwari, kafir or milo, is increasing in global popularity. In the wake of global events, it is being considered as a lower cost alternative to wheat.
Sorghum has advantages over wheat and maize.
Between 2020 and 2021, the United States increased its sorghum acres by 24%. The United States Department of Agriculture.
According to S&P Global Commodity Insights, Indonesia's annual cultivation will increase from 15,000 mega tons to 900,000 mega tons in response to government mandates. Indonesia imports 10 million tons of wheat every year.
The president of Indonesia said in June 2022, "I have given directives to the governors and heads of districts to determine how much land can be used to plant Sorghum, so that we don't depend on imported wheat and corn."
Sorghum has played a central role in a government-driven flour blend initiative launched in response to supply disruptions in wheat and maize as well as growing rates of malnutrition.
Sorghum can be used to make cereals, porridge, flour, leavened and unleavened bread, cakes, ferment and un-fermented beverages, syrup and can be popped like popcorn.
It's a traditional South African breakfast.
Sorghum is considered by many to be the most wheat-likeGluten free flour.
It is high in fiber and is rich in vitamins and minerals that are not found in typicalCarbohydrate sources.
Sorghum may reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases.
This grain is rich in vitamins and minerals that have been reported to have anti- inflammatory and cholesterol lowering properties.
The major discovery for the ancient grain was made by Bruce Hamaker, a food science professor at the university.
Sorghum pancake with red bean is a Korean dish.
As part of its Keeping Food Markets Working program, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition provides financial and technical support to multiple social enterprises that are making ready-to- eat nutrition.
Sorghum has proved to be a useful food crop for fortification of traditional Kenyan foods that are typically made from other grain sources.
There is a maize-sorghum blended flour produced by Jufra Food Processors in Meru.
Sorghum is fortified with Shalem'sASILI Plus junior porridge and theASILI Plus family breakfast porridge.
Both Jufra and Shalem want to address nutrition, diet-related non-communicable diseases and contribute to the food security of the country.
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition has a team of people.
A growing number of food brands are using corn as an ingredient.
Udi's Hearty Sprouted Grains bread is made with millet and Sorghum in the US, and Smart flour foods uses Sorghum for its pizza crusts, hoagie rolls, hamburger buns and pancake and waffle mixes. Sorghum has been used as an ancient grain in a number of popular brands.
In India, Urban Platter sells salted Jowar (sorghum) puffs which have no added sugar and have 2.5% of the daily value of nutrition per serving. Popcorn is a popular snack in India.
Sorghum is used in Chinese liquors Maotai and kaoliang.
Sorghumupma. A breakfast dish with vegetables and Sorghum. Jowar upma is a popular name.
According to Matthew Schueller, director of marketing insights and analytics for Ardent Mills, "Consumers probably lack a little bit of familiarity with Sorghum."
There is a lot of opportunity.
With global production estimated at approximately 63.9 mega tons, less than other grains such as corn, which recorded global production of 1,197 mega tons in 2021, only 20% of Sorghum production has been used for human consumption. Sorghum is fifth in world production among cereals.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, growth in popularity of the underutilized crop has been slow because it has been considered to be an inferior grain due to misconception about its flavor and nutrition.
Sorghum has a lot of potential for agriculture and the environment.
Sorghum has a competitive advantage overwheat and maize. It is resistant to mycotoxins and can thrive on marginal lands where other crops can't, in high heat, with low humidity, and with limited rain.
Tim Lust, CEO of National Sorghum Producers has referred to the crop as "The Resource Conserving Crop" because it is both water smart and climate resilient.
Sorghum is a perfect crop for small farmers because of its self-fertile nature and small plot for pollination.
The type of crop that grows is called a crop of truth. Chandramma says that rain has never been a necessity for this crop.
Sorghum has a dense and robust root structure that sequesters carbon and transfers it deep into the soil.
There is a tremendous opportunity to implement further climate-smart production practices and activities on working lands to achieve substantial carbon capture, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to other environmental benefits.
A farmer walks through his field.
In the United States, 75% of all sorghum is grown on land that is not tilled and in California, researchers are working to remove carbon from the soil.
The project is called "Sequestering Carbon Through Climate Adapted Sorghum" and is being sponsored by a Fortune 500 company.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is giving up to $65 million for a five-year project to quantify the climate impact potential of Sorghum.
A change in the tide for this source of food, animal feed and biofuel with delicious, versatile, resilient, and climate smart properties is signaled by growing investment.
Sorghum has historically taken a back seat to other grains despite its competitive advantage as a climate smart crop with high nutrition value.
It's time to take a stand.
There is a field of food in Africa.