The former president will be in Michigan on Saturday for a campaign rally.

Questions about whether Trump's influence is backfiring against the GOP in general election campaigns will be raised at the event.

The most prominent candidate Trump has supported in the state is the conservative commentator and gubernatorial nominee Tudor Dixon.

In the past, she was a top Republican target. Conservatives believed they could take advantage of discontent with her handling of the Pandemic.

The GOP has a candidate who hews to a hard-line anti-abortion position and is struggling to raise money.

When Trump endorsed her in the GOP primary, he promised she was a "Conservative Warrior" who would take on one of the worst Governors in the nation.

Some Republicans don't think a Trump rally will make a difference in the race for the governor's office.

The problem with these events is what Trump does. Doug Heye is a former communications director for the Trump campaign.

Heye said that Trump's grievances are of interest only to him, as opposed to the issues the candidate would prefer to be discussing.

It is not the only Trump-backed candidate who is in trouble in the general election.

Mehmet Oz and Doug Mastriano are two of Trump's picks in Pennsylvania. Herschel Walker was in a Fox News poll in Georgia and he was in a dead heat with the senator.

The Cook Political Report changed its rating of the governor's races in Michigan and Pennsylvania fromlean Democratic to likely Democratic.

The race in Michigan could have been different if the Republican primary had been held.

It is surprising that Trump is still tied to her even though she is in a bad position. The former president doesn't like to hear that he's unpopular.

On Thursday alone, the former president's main leadership political action committee sent out emails linking to articles from conservative publications showing favorable national poll numbers in a hypothetical match-up against Biden, superior support for Trump over Biden in Texas, and comments from House GOP campaign head Rep.

Save America published an article titled, "Donald Trump is Number 1 Presidential Golfer in History by a Landslide."

Bednar, a professor of political science and public policy at the University of Michigan, said that the purpose of Trump is to promote the possibility of a White House run.

He is here to support himself, even though he is yet to declare his candidacy. He said, "Mar-a-Lago raid be damned and January 6 Committee be damned."

According to Bednar, it is not clear if Trump will improve Dixon's position or help her win.

She said that he was going to mobilize the part of the Republican Party that was completely committed to what he stood for.

Bednar said that abortion is a big issue in the Michigan race.

The Supreme Court struck down the right to abortion in June, as well as the fact that Michigan voters will be asked to approve an abortion specific ballot measure.

The right to abortion is included in the state constitution.

In cases of rape or incest, he is against abortion. She said in an August interview that abortion should only be allowed for the life of the mother. She said there could be healing through that baby.

He supports the right to abortion.

Trump will try to get the GOP base to support him.

He is a serious contender.

Michigan, which Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020, could be about to deliver another defeat.

The memo is a column.

The Hill has the latest news and video.