There is a new document that has come to light in the lead up to the trial. There is a lot of text messages between Musk and key figures at the company, like founder Jack Dorsey, board chair Bret Taylor and current CEO Parag Agrawal.

Let's get down to it because there's a lot to unpack here.

‘I kinda don’t think I should be the boss of anyone’

The man doesn't want to be a boss. That is a big revelation for the CEO of more than one company.

Musk admitted that he doesn't like being a leader in a conversation with Parag.

I don't like doing things like that. I don't think I should be in charge of people. Musk loves helping solve technical and product design problems.

At the beginning, the relationship seemed promising.

He told Musk to treat him like an engineer.

Jack Dorsey, the founder and former CEO of the social networking site, speaks highly of the engineer. On April 26, the three of them talked about the takeover on a hangout. It didn't go well, judging by the text messages.

It became obvious that you can't work together. That was something that was clarified.

Count your blessings that you don’t need to pay Doge to tweet

Making the algorithm open source was one of the ideas that Musk had. His worst idea so far is to make people pay dogecoin to use the internet.

I have an idea for a social media system with both payments and links. To register your message on the chain, you have to pay a small amount. Free speech is guaranteed because there is no throat.

On April 13, Musk's idea took a turn for the better.

He told Steve Davis, president of The Boring Company that he had a plan B. You would have to pay a small fee for each comment or post.

Musk concluded that it wouldn't be possible at this time.

Jack Dorsey is known as ‘jack jack’ in Elon’s phone

It was already known that he was on the train. The two entrepreneurs seem to respect each other. The pet name "jack jack" was earned by the man. It's cute.

The two men were talking about the future of the micro-blogging site as early as March.

There is a need for a new platform It can't be a business. This is what caused me to leave. jack jack said that it must be an open source protocol and that it must be funded by a foundation that doesn't own the protocol. It is similar to what Signal has done. It can't have an ad model.

In a public comment in April, he stated that he trusts Elon. He supported Musk in private.

You are appreciated by me. The only path is this one. jack jack told Musk that he would do everything he could to make it work.

Gayle King: Buying Twitter is a ‘gangsta move’

Musk doesn't like talking to journalists. He talks to the co- host of CBS morning shows.

LON! The news anchor asked Musk if he was buying or offering to buy the micro-messaging service. Don't you think the kids of today are saying a 'gangsta move'?

The kids aren't saying this. One of the few women who Musk has ever talked to over hundreds of texts isGayle King.

Oprah should join the board, according to Musk.

If my bid succeeds, Oprah might join the board. Musk said that knowing what is right is more important than board governance skills.

We wouldn't mind watching an Oprah interview with Musk.

Joe Lonsdale wanted to connect Musk and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

Joe Lonsdale is the founder of the venture firm 8VC. He blamed Black culture for the disparity in funding and called men who take maternity leavelosers.

In late March, I received a text from Lonsdale that said, "I love your 'Twitter algorithm should be open source.'..." Public squares need to be free of censorship.

Musk said that was absolutely true. Hidden corruption is what we have at the moment.

In the middle of April, Lonsdale dropped back. The public is rooting for you and the Governor just called me with ideas on how to help you. If you want to chat with him, let me know. Musk replied with a short and brutal statement.

Jason Calacanis volunteered to be Twitter CEO

Calacanis joked in his texts that Musk should raise his offer to $54.21, which was the perfect counter, when news of the offer to buy Twitter was out in the open.

Calacanis wrote that it would be easy to clean up the service and make it viable for more users. Blue check marks should not be limited to the elite. What is it about that that makes it democratic?

Calacanis offered more advice the next day, including his suggestion to cut the workforce by more than half. Calacanis said day zero. Don't let your blades get dull. 20% voluntary departures are included in the office requirement.

He said that MrBeast should be recruited by the social network to make original video content, as well as give video creators 100% of ad revenue up to their first $1 million then split it between them.

Both Musk and Calacanis agree that the features of the company should be torn down. They spent a year on the social network to give people nothing. Calacanis sent a text.

Calacanis swore the text equivalent of an oath to Musk if he wanted to be a strategic advisor. I would like to be the game coach. I would love to work at the CEO of Twitter.

He got into trouble with Musk after his enthusiasm.

What are you doing with the marketing of anSPV to randos? Musk wrote in May that this was not okay. Morgan Stanley thinks you are using our friendship in a bad way.

Calacanis defended himself by saying that the Musk deal captures the world's imagination in an unimaginable way.

Calacanis earned himself a tapback for saying he would jump on a Grande for you.

Joe Rogan was stoked

On March 23, Joe Rogan sent a text saying he really hoped you got on the social networking site. We should have a party if you do. Musk responded with the 100 symbol.

Rogan wanted to know if Musk would let the happy mob take over.

Musk said he would give advice, which they could or could not follow.

Riot Games President Mark Merrill thinks Elon is Batman

We quote directly and don't say anything.

You are the hero of the city ofGotham.