If you didn't know, Mark Zuckerberg is an avid fencer and sword wielder.

He was the fencing team captain at his boarding school and has been honing his swashzucklin' chops ever since.

The CEO used his fencing skills to promote his company's new virtual reality headset, dubbed Quest Pro. The mixed-reality capabilities of this headset are different than previous ones.

The headset slated for release in late October doesn't just provide its wearer with a new reality to experience It weaves a virtual reality into the physical one, which is a central feature of the founder's dream.

Swashzucky captioned the fencing stunt "Fencing in the metaverse with Olympic gold medal and world's #1 ranked Leetothekiefer and 2x Olympic medal winner Gerekmeinhardt." You can see virtual objects like your friends fencing with mixed reality when you use our new high-end virtual reality headset.

En Garde

It's hard to tell the quality of the graphics when you're wearing the headset because the video is compressed so much. There are a few improvements to the Quest 2.

While the real world display of Quest 2 was black and white, the Quest Pro's appears to have color and a depth sensor. The visor is slimmer due to new-and-improved pancake lens. Face-and-eye-tracking technology is a feature of the tech.

The fencing feature is very nice, as it is likely that Zuckerberg has spent a lot of time trying to make sure. It might be possible. It is possible to work up a sweat. Engarde!

Experts were surprised by Zuck's skill in MMA sparring.