If you purchase a $75 NFT, you will receive 3.5 ounces of weed dubbed "Space Rocks" in return, which is more than enough to make you feel good.

Curbed states that you can go to an unnamed gallery on Rivington Street in New York City. Don't dislike the player.

Perfect Crossover

This is a novel way of tying a digital asset to a physical one. It's just insult to injury that some of the buyers of the Bored Ape Yacht Club are also JimmyFallon. Is it possible to get stoned for just $75 and not be JimmyFallon? This is a great steal. Don't walk if you want to run.

Jimmy, we're kids. The NFT-to-gray-market-weed-crossover makes sense. There are two legal but mostly unregulated markets trying to figure out how to function without turmoil. Similar to the gallery on Rivington Street, other small-scale NFT operations may benefit from incorporating an in-demand physical asset of the kind.

There is something to be said about the aesthetic of convenience stores and the NFT market, both of which have a lot of neon and innuendo. M&M's and Arizona Iced Tea are examples of classic bodega favorites. Operators and anyone trying to make a name for themselves in the NFT space should be aware of the phenomenon that is weed bodega.

Anyhow. The gallery was not found.

There is a weed bodega that is everywhere.

There are more on NFTs without legal disclosures.