Image for article titled Everyone Should Sit Down When They Pee

It is time to rethink your urinary posture if you have spent your life standing when you pee. The most common micturition position among those with penises is standing. In some cultures, men sit or squat when they pee, and there is evidence that the paradigm is changing. 70 percent of men in Japan sat in an August 2020 poll, compared to 51 percent five years earlier. There are a lot of good reasons to sit, but not many good reasons to stand up.

It’s the right choice for anyone with prostrate problems

If you have a lower urinary tract symptom, you should sit down. The researchers at the Department of Urology at the University Medical Center looked into how body position affects the flow of urine. The sitting posture is the best position for men with bladder problems.

Sitting voids the bladder more fully, which can result in less bladder problems. The study states that body posture can influence urodynamic parameters. The research doesn't address the optimum pee-position for healthy men, but there are tons of non- medical advantages to choosing the stall over the urinal

Science says that it’s cleaner

I don't think anyone who has ever cleaned a bathroom used by men would need scientific proof of the mess that standing causes.

The whiz kids used high-speed cameras, their knowledge of fluid dynamics, and a urination machine simulation to conclude that splashback can be reduced if urine is aimed at a more downward angle. In this video, you can see it in action.

The best way to avoid splashing in a traditional toilet is to sit down.

Splashback is a real health concern as it can facilitate the spread of harmfulbacteria in hospitals.

Disagreements about toilet seat positions

According to research conducted by hacky stand-up comedians in the 1990s, choosing to sit while peeing would eliminate most of the domestic arguments. What about women?

Less noise

The choice between sitting and standing is something I have to make. If I am at home, I might decide to chill out. If I am a guest in another person's home, I always choose to sit. It is a good place to be a guest.

More choice is a positive thing

I don't want to go into too much detail, but sitting down provides options that standing up doesn't, and who doesn't want to be able to make choices on the fly?

“It’s faster” versus “What’s all the rush about?”

One of the main arguments in favor of standing to pee is that it is quicker, more efficient, and more in keeping with the demands of our fast-paced society. Men and women pee in the same way. Both arguments are rebuked by sitting while peeing. It is an act of disrespect against outdated gender norms and auritanical work ethic. Sitting to pee is showing solidarity with women, men with certain disabilities, and men without penises, as well as striking a blow against capitalist monopolization of even our most private moments.

I have more time to look at the social networking site. It's only a matter of time before you dump your phone in the toilet.