The skull of a human was found in a cave in the Czech Republic in the 19th century. The skull was dated to about 31,000 years ago and the person was classified as male.

They were wrong about the sex of the Stone Age person.

The Aurignacian, part of the Upper Paleolithic period, was where the Mlade 1 skull was found. The team published its findings as part of a new online book called "The forensic facial approach to the Skull Mlade 1 (opens in new tab) " that details how the scientists reclassified the sex of one of the oldest Homo sapiens found in Europe.

Cicero Moraes, one of the book's co-authors, told Live Science that the skull features pointed to a male. The evidence pointed to a female when studies compared the skull with others.


Moraes and indel used information from the 19th-century archaeological dig and forensic facial reconstructions performed in the 1930s that were limited due to a lack of technology. Moraes looked to modern-day human jaws to fill in the blanks of what this person might have looked like.

There is an incredibly realistic facial reconstruction of a Stone Age woman.

Moraes said that they used data from about 200CT scans of modern humans and from archaeological excavations to reconstruct the skull. We were able to project missing parts of the human face.

Moraes used a series of soft-tissue thickness markers that were spread across the skull. Markers tell the boundaries of the skin in some areas. Although these markers are derived from statistical data, they don't cover the entire face and don't tell the size of the nose, mouth and eyes.

A digitized version of the 31,000-year-old skull seen from two angles.

Researchers used a projection of lines corresponding to boundaries of soft tissue and bone structures to create the facial approximation. (Image credit: Cicero Moraes/Jiri Sindelar/Karel Drbal)

To complement the data, researchers importedCT scans of live subjects and altered the bones and soft tissue to match the face being approximated In the case of the Mlade 1 fossil, we altered two scans, one of a man and one of a woman, and the two resulted in the same result.

Moraes created two digital representations of what the person might have looked like. He made a mistake when it came to the person's face expression.

He said that they used tradition to generate the neutral face. There will be two approaches to the works, one more scientific and simple in greyscale, with eyes closed and without hair, and the other more subjective, where we generate a colored face with fur and hair.

Archaeologists do sometimes reclassify the sex of human remains. The Zuzu fossil is a skeleton discovered in Brazil.

Initially, it was thought to be a woman, but later studies showed it was a male.

Live Science previously reported that a viking buried with weapons in Sweden was initially thought to be male but later found to be female.

Stone artifacts, bone tips and several teeth were also found at the Stone Age burial site. There is no other information about the young woman who was buried there.

It was originally published on Live Science