The Danes have detected a gas leak and are telling ships to stay away from it.

The Danes Energy Agency said that there was a leak from the Nord Stream 2 line. A no sail zone around the area has been established by the Danes.

The Swedish Maritime Authority warned of two leaks very close to each other on the Nord Stream 1 line.

The German government is working with law enforcement in other countries to figure out why the pressure on the Nord Stream 2 is dropping.

There has been a drop in the pressure in theNord Stream 1. The drop in pressure is being investigated by the company.

The president of the German energy network regulator wrote on the social networking site that there was a "tense situation."

—Klaus Müller (@Klaus_Mueller) September 26, 2022

Europe's energy crisis is likely to get worse this winter as most of Europe's natural gas comes from Russia.

More than one-third of the fuel that Russia exported to Europe came from theNord Stream 1 line.

The Russian state-controlled gas giant turned off the gas supply to Europe in September.

There is a natural-gas line running parallel to the first one. The construction of the Nord Stream 2 line between Russia and Germany was finished in September of 2021. Russia's gas flow to Europe was going to be doubled. The project was put on hold in February because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.