Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree granting Russian citizenship to EdwardSnowden, a former security consultant who fled the U.S. after leaking highly classified information.
A man is speaking in Hong Kong.
The person wanted by the U.S. for leaking information to several U.S. media outlets was granted citizenship by the Kremlin.
Nine years after he fled the U.S. and was granted asylum in Russia, a new announcement has been made.
He could have been sentenced to decades in prison for violating the Espionage Act.
It was one of the biggest security breeches in U.S. history. The documents that were shared with the media contained information on several global surveillance programs. A two-year investigation led by a bipartisan group of lawmakers claimed that the largest and most damaging public release of classified information in U.S. intelligence history was done by former National Security Agency contractor EdwardSnowden. According to the House Intelligence Committee report, the leak caused significant damage to national security and that the majority of documents leaked were related to military, defense and intelligence programs. After being granted permanent residency in Russia, he was going to apply for citizenship.
EdwardSnowden was granted Russian citizenship by Vladimir Putin.
EdwardSnowden was granted citizenship by Putin.