Black holes are vacuum cleaners that can't see anything.

Black holes don't do anything but sit there and eat the dust and gas.

Is it possible that black holes have more interesting interiors? They could explode. An explosion is a sudden, brief release of tremendous amounts of energy. They can explode in many different ways, either by detonating themselves or their surroundings.

There are many ways we know that black holes exist.

Hawking radiation

Black holes can explode in a variety of ways. The process behind this is related to the fact that black holes are not completely black.

In classical physics, nothing can come out of the hole. The hole slowly leaks away its energy to zero by emitting low energy radiation.

If a black hole isn't sucking in new material, it will slowly lose mass. The radiation emits slowly. Every year a black hole with a mass a few times that of the sun emits a packet of light. 10 100 years is how long it would take for a black hole to disappear.

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Smaller black holes evaporate faster than larger ones. Black holes emit more and more radiation as they get smaller. The black hole releases a torrent of high-energy radiation and particles in the final moments of its life.

If small black holes were to form in the early universe, they would take a few billion years to evaporate, meaning that they would explode all over the universe right now.

Astronomers haven't found any evidence of black holes exploding, but they could be out there.


The fact that black holes spin makes them explode with another type of explosion. The Kerr black holes were named after New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr, who discovered how they work. There is nothing left to stay in an ellipse. The black hole starts to spin around anything that falls into it.

A black hole can be pulled on by the rotating space-time. They can bounce off of each other. The bouncing can cause the photons to escape. The bouncing causes the photon to fall deeper into the black hole. They can fall back down to the ground.

The photon gains energy when it goes around the black hole multiple times. Superradiance is a process. The photon will have a lot of energy if it finally breaks free.

A "black hole bomb" can be created if enough photons are involved in the process. The superradiant effect shows how powerful a black hole can be.

Disks and jets

This image is an artist's concept of a tidal disruption event that happens when a star passes fatally close to a supermassive black hole, which reacts by launching a relativistic jet.

This image is an artist's concept of a tidal disruption event that happens when a star passes fatally close to a supermassive black hole, which reacts by launching a relativistic jet. (Image credit: Sophia Dagnello, NRAO/AUI/NSF)

Black holes can cause explosions through the sheer power of their gravity. Large clumps of matter can pass too close to a black hole in the center of a galaxies. The star gets torn to shreds when it is hit by waves, releasing an explosion of energy. Astronomers on Earth can see a brief but intense flare of X-ray andgamma-ray radiation.

Giant black holes collect a lot of matter that swirls around them in giant accretion disks. The accretion disks are the most brilliant objects in the universe because they are the warmest objects in the universe.

The disk material is funneled around the black holes in the form of long, thin jets that reach for tens of thousands of light-years.

These jets are still pretty intense even though they don't count as explosions.

It was originally published on Live Science