Sauron is in The Rings of Power.
Sauron's disguise is one of the biggest mysteries in The Rings Of Power.
He could be a comet from the sky, or something else.
Galadriel ran into Halbrand while swimming back to Middle-earth.
He might be the weird white-cloaked monk who is following the stranger and his friends.
MORE FROM FORBESThe 5 Biggest Mysteries Of 'The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power'By Erik KainHalbrand is getting the most love online, after all. There are a lot of clues that show Halbrand as the Dark Lord.
These are mostly red herrings. There is a dark side to HalBRAND. He did some bad things in the past. Since we have already seen his violent streak and tendency toward betrayal, we think he killed and betrayed people. It wouldn't be hard to make him Sauron.
Galadriel swam her way to the dark lord after she stumbled upon him. The ocean is wide I am aware that this show has some bad writing, but it is not this bad.
It is better to be burned than to disappear.
The stranger is a work by Albert Camus.
Since writing about The Stranger previously, episodes have given us a few more clues about his identity. In Episode 5, we see him use his magic to protect the Harfoots from wolves, which makes it clear that he is not an evil lord. The theory is correct.
These are red herrings. No matter who uses magic, it is frightening. Nori and the Harfoots are already frightened of big people and now they're rolling around with one who has magical powers, a fragmented mind and memory loss. Imagine having so much power that you can't remember anything.
Sauron has no reason to go to Middle-earth in this way. He never left to repentance for helping Morgoth. He has been hiding and the last thing he would want to do is come back in a fiery comet in the sky and not know what happened. It's possible that this is Gandalf, who got in a fight with Sauron and was thrown to the ground in a ball of fire.
The character in the upper right has people joking that it's an imitation of Emmitt. The person looks very evil. I have heard that a group of white-cloaked priests or priestesses may have been sent by Sauron to find the stranger. They are not actually Sauron, they are just servants of evil.
Since they have made it clear that Adar is not Sauron, I am leaving him out of the mix.
Sauron is a mystery. My latest theory started as a joke but I like it more than any of these.
There is a person named Bronwyn.
It all started as a joke on the social networking site. I think that the person is Sauron, it's obvious. Do you think about it? She is the only one of the Southlanders who doesn't wear rags.
I have a thread about her being the only villager who washes her face, that her clothes are expensive, and that she is the only one who wears rags.
I wondered if the joke had some meat on it's bones. She is cleaner and wealthier than her peers. She has more knowledge. There is a reference to Morgoth. She doesn't hold the title of leader to get the people together.
Maybe she is the person who told Adar to let Arondir go. Why would she do something like this? She is trying to have sex with him. He will take her back to Lindon with him if she gets close to him. The whole Adar assault is part of the plan. Sauron seems to be one of the good guys and ingratiating himself with the elves, even though he wants to take over the land.
Instead of relying on random chance out at sea where he had no idea Galadriel would be, Bronwyn/Sauron appears to be a bewitchingly beautiful human who gets anelf to fall in love with her. She seems to be the hero and leader who will help fight against the Enemy, when in fact it is part of her plan to gain a place at Arondir's side.
It explains how Theo found the sword-key, since she could have put a thought in his head and had him fetch it. I don't know why the orcs would be looking for it. When Waldreg mistook Adar for Sauron, Adar didn't like it. I don't know what to think.
This may be a very likely theory. I don't think it's true. It would make him a better person. She's quite hollow as it stands. We have no idea about her. She has no fighting experience, no experience with battle tactics, and she is an elf so these Southlanders don't like her. There is almost no reason for her to speak to her people about fighting.
Do you agree? Sauron is a person. You can let me know on social media. It is possible that they haven't introduced Sauron yet. It is completely possible.