• The New York Times reporter was called a psychic by Donald Trump.

  • While Trump treats many people like his psychiatrists, no one really knows him.

  • She interviewed Trump for her upcoming book.

According to Haberman's new book, Donald Trump said he was like a psychic during one of their interviews.

In her upcoming book, "Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Break of America," Haberman interviewed Trump for a series of interviews.

According to an excerpt of the book published in The Atlantic, Trump told his aides that he loved being with her and that she was like his mental health therapist.

According to The Atlantic, it was an insightful but meaningless line.

The reality is that he treats everyone as if they are his mental health care providers. According to the excerpt, all present a chance for him to vent or test reactions or gauge how he is feeling.

The Times reporter, who covered Trump's presidency extensively, wrote that she was often asked tocipher Trump's actions, but the truth is that no one really knows him.

In front of us, he works things out. He rearranged the entire country to deal with his moods and emotions. He is often opaque, allowing people to read meaning and depth into every action, no matter how empty they might be.

Business Insider has an article on it.