Sam Worthington as Jake Sully in Avatar.

There has been a lot of discussion about the impact of the film on the cultural landscape. If you think that the first of five planned films left a mark on popular culture, you will have to wait for another day because the re-release is currently busy.

Most of the $30.5 million global box office came from the international market. That is impressive for a movie that has been out for nearly 15 years, and seems to vindicate the hope that the film would get people to go to the theater. With an extra $30 mil, the movie retains its position as the highest-grossing movie of all time, with a take of $2.85 billion. The film will remain in theaters until next week at the very least, meaning it will be increasing its haul even more in the days ahead before The Way of Water lands in December.

Don't Worry Darling took the top spot in the domestic race. The film earned $19.2 million in the US and contributed to its $30 million worldwide take. The discussion and debate about the film and its stars seems to have paid off in the short run, but time will tell if it has any real legs.

The film is getting a lot of good reviews from Fantastic Fest and will be released next weekend. Bolstered by a good marketing campaign of smiling people at baseball games over the weekend, the horror film seems to be shaping up to kick off the season of scares with a smile.

Do you want to know more about io9. House of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, as well as what's next for the DC Universe on film and TV, can be found on this page.