Darth Vader in Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Darth Vader has been played by James Earl Jones for over 30 years. Jones has reprised the role of Darth Vader multiple times over the years, including in the recent Obi-Wan Kenobi series. Jones has quietly confirmed that he will be retiring from his role as the biggest drama queen in the universe.

According to a recent report from Vanity Fair, Jones signed over the rights to his voice to a Ukrainian tech company that uses artificial intelligence to create new dialogue from actors who have either lost their voice or passed away. Jones' voice has changed a lot over the years. The technology used to bring to life a younger Skywalker in the book was used for Vader in the movie, while the character was portrayed by two actors.

Lucasfilm sound editor Matthew Wood was told by the actor that his time with the character was ending. Wood said that James was looking into winding down the character. After presenting Respeecher to Jones, Wood signed his rights off. The actor was informed of the show's plans for his character, despite Jones being credited as Vader.

It is weird to make sure that his performance lives on through the use of artificial intelligence. Over the decades, there have been other actors who voiced the character and did a decent job. There is something ethically dicey about Disney using artificial intelligence in other shows and films.

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