If you missed it, there was an extremely dumb discourse involving cable, streaming services, and the Yankees. There was a chance that Judge was going to tie and overtake. Roger Maris had a league record of 61 home runs. New York's regional cable sports network, YES, broadcasted the game against the Red Sox. The state Attorney General was mad about that, probably because people who own bars in New York and show baseball games are also mad. Some people pointed out that watching a game on a paid cable service is not more accessible than watching it on a free app.

You don't need cable or Apple TV to watch a baseball game. You can follow the team on the radio. Is the radio still around? Baseball is one of the best uses for it. Have you ever heard the crowd hum as your team progresses in the playoffs? Are you able to enjoy the early fall air and a glass of whiskey with it? I am a fan of theMariners, but that sounds incredible.

I can't watch a full game of baseball because I have a fruit fly.

You don't have to use a radio to listen. It's possible that your station has a streaming app. Do what I do and yell at the computer to play the baseball team. Audacy allows it to play my local station, 710 AM. I don't know what Audacy is. It brings me joy almost every year.

Baseball can be consumed this way with a few advantages. It is free and very cheap for a number of reasons. If you don't want to use a streaming service, you can go to your local Goodwill and find a bunch of radios for 50 cents each. You can do other things while you listen. I have the attention span of a fruit fly and can't watch a full game on tv. I like to scroll on my phone and listen.

Sometimes it is really cool and a screen-free activity.

Baseball can be heard on the radio. I am sorry that I have the same interests as your grandma. If they are anything like mine, your local broadcasters will make a big deal about what is happening so you won't miss a beat.

Sometimes it is really cool to see a talent break a home run record, and it is a nice screen-free activity. At least you didn't pay for it.