The GOP's "Commitment to America" platform was unveiled by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy after a year of research.

In a promotional video released yesterday titled "The Preamble to the Commitment to America," a narrator blames Democrats for leading the country off track and announces the 2023 party platform priorities: an economy that's strong.

Ahead of a tense election season marked by internal conflict and anticipated rifts between moderate Republicans and election-denying allies of Donald Trump, the deliberately vague platform seeks to unite the GOP.

The images were created in the Volgograd region of Russia by Serg Grbanoff, who is based in Russia, according to the Huffington Post. Another image was created by a contributor named DedovStock, who takes pictures in Ukranian.

Mark Bednar, a spokesman for McCarthy, was curious about the issues facing the American people in the video.

There were other issues that arose with the launch of the platform. McCarthy signed his name to the letter with a quote that was false.

The letter states that commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.

According to Christian McWhirter, a historian at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, there is no evidence that Lincoln ever said those words.

McWhirter said that he couldn't find them in his writings.

A 1986 full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal was paid for by Lehman Brothers to thank its long-term employees.

The ad states that commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words you use that make a difference. The actions speak louder than what is said. The time is being made when there is no. It was coming through time after time after time.

Representatives for Rep. McCarthy didn't reply immediately.