Adams poses with a Dilbert cutout in 2006.

Dilbert's creator is out to get you.

Scott Adams, the creator of the long-running comic strip Dilbert, said in a video that he would be setting out to destroy the business practice of environmental social governance using his comic about a dude who works in a cubicle. It was scary.

A set of criteria intended to guide investors and businesses into making socially conscious decisions and investments is known as environmental social governance. Financial institutions have recognized the importance of making investments that don't fuck up the planet as part of the ESG doctrine.

Over the last year, the concept has become a new bogeyman for the right-wing, who have branded it as a form of "woke capitalism" and have attacked companies for engaging with the concept of investing responsible. Several red states now have laws on the books that prohibit the state from engaging with banks or other financial entities that have ESG policies. The Heritage Foundation, a famous right-wing think tank with deep financial ties to the Koch brothers, launched a campaign against the concept of ESG.

It appears that Scott Adams has decided to speak up. The idea of increasing diversity at big businesses was not taken seriously by recent comics. There are more yuks. He posted this one on Monday which hit both the gender and climate alarm bells.

These are hilarious. There are real cutting-edge things there.

Right-wing bozos have been applauding Adams. There is a link to a cartoon about the definition of ESG on the senator's website.

To be fair, there are plenty of criticisms to be had with the way ESG currently operates: Obviously, there are ways to put money toward a social problem that don't actually solve it. The SEC proposed rules to make sure that the claims made by US funds are legit. The idea of companies putting their money where their mouths are is a good one. Investing in companies and funds that don't pollute the planet is both responsible and beneficial.

Several Republican attorneys general filed comments with the SEC last month opposing the new SEC rules. The SEC and other agencies run by unelected bureaucrats are being radicalized by the Biden administration, according to Patrick Morrisey, who led the challenge.

Adams is approaching his critique from a bad faith angle. He's long expressed skepticism around climate science, authoring several strips on the subject and challenging his followers to find a scientist who says the climate prediction models are credible.

Adams encourages people to share his strips and for employees to send comics to their bosses in a video posted last week.

He said that it should become known that Dilbert thinks it is ridiculous and that people will start sharing it. The boss who is in charge of it will send these by email or printed out and slip them under the door. In theory mockery could destroy this.

The idea that heads of major investment firms in charge of billions of dollars will be swayed by a couple printouts of an extremely dated cartoon that recycles its punchlines from right-wingTwitter really speaks to Adams' idea of his own self-importance Please film Dilbert comic under your boss's door. It would be hilarious.