The latest study presented at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society (Chicago) has revealed that low-calorie sweeteners aren’t as innocent as they are believed to be. They contribute to the development of metabolic syndrome, which affects 34% of all US adults. This means that low-calorie sweeteners have joined sugar in the category of dangerous sweets that increase the risk of deadly diseases. Although indirectly, sugar and sweeteners deal a great amount of damage to the body, to the point of them being considered ‘dangerous drugs’ (The Epoch Times).

Sugar: Health Risks and Realities

There can be no doubt that sugar and sweeteners increase the risk of metabolic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. They also serve as a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, according to the data from the Harvard Medical School. Cardiovascular issues remain the leading cause of death in the US, so it’s safe to say that sugar health risks include premature mortality.However, what’s important here is not to demonize the product nearly every person in the country consumes on a daily basis. It’s important to understand that sugar and sweeteners can be dangerous, but they aren’t the singular reason for all these deadly conditions. This is aptly proven by a major review of the current sugar studies published in Nutrition.Yes, the dangers of ingesting too many sweetened products are real and highly concerning. But one has to be aware that it’s a combination of several factors that lead to serious health issues.

Managing Sugar Health Risks with a Healthy Diet

According to the World Health Organization, the ‘safe’ amount of sugar in a diet is when it makes up no more than 10% of daily calories. Meanwhile, other studies show that healthy weight loss is possible on a well-balanced healthy diet without an unreasonable cut in calories. This means that one can enjoy sweet treats and fight one of the most dangerous metabolic disorders associated with high sugar intake, which is obesity.An effective weight loss program for this purpose also needs to include exercise and addition of all natural diet pills. The former is necessary because benefits of exercise can offset some of the biggest health dangers of obesity. The supplements, on the other hand, simply help speed up the weight loss rate and enhance the overall efficiency of a weight loss program.As to the sugar health risks related to cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, there’s no way to effectively counteract those. It’s a fact that consuming sugars will increase the risk of these conditions by default. However, it’s also important to understand that not all sugar is the same.There are over a dozen types of sugar, and it’s not to mention the differences between sucrose, lactose, and fructose. The one distinction a person aiming for a healthy diet needs to keep in mind is the difference between natural and added sugars. The former are ‘simple’ from the chemical point of view. They are easily processed by the body and are naturally present in the majority of foods, including legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. They are safe to eat and can be good for one’s health as they are components of ‘good’ produce.Added sugars are complex carbs that take a while to digest and may not be fully processed by the body. It’s these compounds that are responsible for the sugar health risks pointed out by researchers. Therefore, these are the ones to avoid. Added sugars in refined foods are particularly dangerous as they cause an immediate spike in blood glucose levels. This is the source of the sweetener-induced metabolic issues.Taking these facts into account the answer to minimizing sugar health risks is simple. One needs to cut down on added sugars while naturally occurring compounds can and should be included in a healthy diet.