The new date is Sep 23, 2022.
The lawsuit was filed by a state senator over the state's program to fly migrants to other states.
The governor of Florida is speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania.
The state of Florida used taxpayer money to facilitate the transport of unauthorized aliens from this state according to a lawsuit filed by a private citizen.
The state flying migrants to Martha's Vineyard violated the statute because they were not in the country legally and their flight originated in Texas, meaning they were not from this state, according to the lawsuit.
The migrants have filed a federal class action lawsuit that alleges they were flown to Martha's Vineyard under false pretenses and that the incident caused emotional distress.
The sheriff of Bexar County, Texas, opened a criminal investigation into the flights to Martha's Vineyard, though he said it was too early to determine if any laws were broken.
More than 40 House Democrats, as well as state legislators in Massachusetts and Florida, have urged the Justice Department to investigate the flights because they were accused of violating federal law.
The DOJ hasn't given any indication that it will investigate the flights, but deputy attorney general Lisa Monaco said on September 16 that the agency had received a number of inquiries and letters.
$13 million. That is the amount of Florida's annual budget that is appropriate to its program.
Despite the litigation that resulted, the migrants were flown to Martha's Vineyard. Taryn Fenske, the governor's communications director, accused Pizzo of never missing an opportunity for his 15 minutes of fame, and accused the migrants of being homeless, hungry and abandoned.
Will there be more legal repercussions? Immigration advocates told WBUR they were looking into the legal implications of the flights, suggesting more lawsuits could be filed. The legality of migrants being sent to Chicago is being looked into by the office of the governor.
Whether or not his actions were in violation of federal law. According to immigration experts, the issue hinges on whether the migrants went to Martha's Vineyard voluntarily or were coerced into going under false pretenses. Susan Church, an immigration attorney, said there is a possibility of both civil and criminal liability if people were lied to. The migrants are accused of violating their Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights, along with their due process and equal protection rights, along with fraud, in a class action lawsuit. There is a provision in the law that bars the transport of migrants who have been cleared by immigration authorities and are not in the country illegally.
The migrants were flown on private flights to Martha's Vineyard without being told of their arrival. According to the class action lawsuit, the migrants were told that they would be flown to either Boston or Washington, D.C., rather than Martha's Vineyard, because they were fleeing the corrupt government in Venezuela. They were promisedemployment, housing, educational opportunities, and other like assistance upon their arrival. Democrats accused DeSantis of using the Venezuelas as pawns in his opposition to the Biden administration's border policies. Thousands of migrants have been sent to Democratic run areas like Chicago, Washington, D.C., and New York City, as well as the Martha's Vineyard flights.
Democrats want the DOJ to investigate. There is no easy answer to this question. It's calledPolitico.
Advocates are questioning if the Florida gov. broke the law by sending migrants to Vineyard.
According to experts, the tactic of sending migrants to Martha's Vineyard probably didn't violate the law.
There are doubts about whether the budget had the authority to fly migrants.