The bell man in Andor doesn't have a bell. It's more of a large metal slab. He gets up at the crack of dawn on the planet and climbs his tower. He picked his hammers from their holders. He prepares, adjusts his ear guards, or maybe he is a fan of classical jizz, so he is not about to hear anything. He had a ritual. He picks up the hammers after placing them on his slab. He prepares for this moment by assuming his pose every morning.

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He uses a hammer. One after the other. The sound is allowed to be heard. This time it's both at once. He goes again, Bong- Bong. It is when the bell guy is not a bell guy that the life of the town begins. The bell guy goes on with his life, his job done until tomorrow.

As far as we can tell, the bells and drones are important to the culture of the Ferrixian people. The citizens of the town are told to shut up by a system of chimes and bells when the Morlana corp-sec forces arrive. The man and his hammers are up at the crack of dawn to wake the streets. We don't know the bell guy's name, but we do know that he hammers that slab every morning.

We don't need to follow this character in Andor's second episode. It is important that it draws our attention to it but not yet drawing it enough to know the ins and outs of this person's life. They are largely unimportant to the grand scheme of things. Bell might have a Wookieepedia page. Two sentences is how long it is. He's deserving of it. If I put "bell guy" in the search window, I wouldn't be able to find it.

Image for article titled I Love You, Andor Bell Guy

One of the best things about Star Wars worldbuilding is seeing and not telling. The bell guy wants to know what's going on. How did this town decide to get people to wake up early? Isn't it a robot? The Clone Wars made it seem like it stopped being a robot. How do you apply for work? Do the people in a universe where Faster- Than- Light capable starships are common really not have alarm clocks? We can live in fear that Star Wars might one day give him a comic book one-shot or a chapter in a novel, because that is just how it is sometimes, but we should never get the answers to these questions. We are compelled to ask the questions because of the small detail in the tapestry Andor weaves.

The payphones Timm uses at the Luthen spaceport are just one of the small details that Andor has included in his view of the Star Wars universe. Every morning the bell guy hammers away. None of them are really important to the plot, and they don't need to be: they make Andor's slice of the galaxy far, far away feel lived in and textured beyond its primary narrative thrust.

Image for article titled I Love You, Andor Bell Guy

The bell guy said to hammer away. You are the reason Star Wars' worlds go around.

Bell guy has a Wookieepedia page attributed to a title given to him in Andor episode 2's closed caption. Bell guy/Time Grappler is the greatest character of all time.

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