Alex Jones tried to defend himself in the face of tough questioning from prosecutors as he testified in the defamation case over his claims that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax.
Alex Jones testified for the first time in the Connecticut defamation trial.
Jones denied calling parents actors on his show, but when asked if it was a horrible thing, he said that it was.
Jones saidcrushing globalists is the most important thing on his show.
The jury in the Connecticut State Court will only decide how much Jones owes the 15 people, including family members of eight victims and a former FBI agent, who responded to the shooting.
After refusing to provide court-ordered documents, Jones was found liable for defamation in Connecticut and Texas, and was ordered to pay nearly $50 million in a defamation trial in Texas.
Parents of the students have argued that they have been harassed by Jones' followers and received death threats, following false claims that the shooting was a hoax and the students were paid actors to promote gun-control legislation.
Jones said in his testimony on Thursday that people become political figures when they get in the arena, but when asked if the parents deserved what they got from Jones, he said they didn't.
Six years after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut, the families of 10 shooting victims filed defamation lawsuits against Jones and Free Speech Systems. Jones tried to delay the procedures in order to stop the litigation. His company faced trial last month after the case was dismissed. The jury in Texas ordered Jones to pay over 50 million dollars in damages to the parents of the student who was killed in the massacre.
There was a lot of money. Jones said his false claims on the school shooting reached on social media alone.
There is no cap on the amount of damages that can be awarded in Connecticut.
There is a reason Alex Jones is on trial again, here is why.
A jury has ordered Alex Jones to pay $45 million in damages.
Here are the lawsuits that led to millions of dollars in legal fees, according toForbes.