Despite President Biden's assurances at the United Nations meeting that the US is not seeking a new cold war, one is brewing between the world's democracies and authoritarians.

Iran, Turkey, and a number of other countries took steps towards becoming full members of the SCO, an economic and political alliance led by China and Russia.

The majority of SCO member countries, as well as other authoritarian states, are following China's lead and are increasing the mass digital surveillance of citizens.

The rise of digitally enabled social control can be traced back to the tech trade relationships between authoritarian countries. The full story is available to read.

Tate Ryan-Mosley is a person.

A group of drones are 3D-printed a tower.

A bunch of drones have been trained to work together to make towers. The process has multiple drones work together to build from a single blueprints, with one checking the others' work as it goes.

One of the drones deposits a layer of building material and the other checks the accuracy of the printed material. If something goes wrong with the drones, a human can step in and keep an eye on them. One day, the method could help with challenging projects such as post-disaster construction or even repairs on buildings that are too high to access safely, the team behind it hopes, and could even build buildings on Mars. The full story is available to read.