The more traffic you get the better. You need to convince potential customers that it's worth sticking around if you want to boost sales. It's possible to achieve this goal with the help of evergreen content. They won't stay if they don't find any value quickly.

Which is the best content for your virtual buck? Which type leads to more visitors staying? If you want to boost traffic with these types of content, here is what you need to know.

Targeted and relevant content is delivered to visitors in the form of topical content. A local roofing company might use a large storm as a jumping off point for a post about handling hail or wind damage. This type of content is relevant to their target audience in the moment and can help drive conversions.

The State of Consumer Trends is a good example of a topic that is relevant. Statistics are relevant and actionable in the near future.

HubSpot's State of Consumer Trends

This type of content is relevant and always present. evergreen content has a longer-term appeal that allows you to post it and forget about it.

evergreen content includes how to articles, tips, or listicles that are broadly applicable The 15 Customer Success Metrics That Actually Matter is an example of evergreen content.

Topical Content Example

Topical Content Pros and Cons

Is it a good idea to use content on your website? There are pros and cons to this approach.

Pro #1: Less legwork

There is something for everyone. A quick review of relevant industry websites or digital news outlets can provide inspiration for your next post, meaning your team can cut down the amount of time needed to find your next content focus.

Pro #2: Multiple traffic opportunities

Stories that are relevant can gain traction. This means you can drive traffic from multiple sources at once.

Con #1: It’s Not Just You

Everyone is interested in the content. It's hard to stand out from the crowd when other sites are also posting their own take on the topic.

Con #2: Trust is Built, not Posted

Visitors don't automatically become buyers just because you make a great post and get a lot of traffic to your site. It takes time to build up trust, meaning you need more than just content to convert.

Evergreen Content Pros and Cons

Are you thinking about an evergreen project on your website? Some pros and cons can be found here.

Pro #1: Stays Fresher, Longer

Driving steady traffic to your site is the result of evergreen content staying fresh. This content can be updated rather than replaced to keep users coming back.

Pro #2: Ideal for Entry-Level Content

Since there is always someone looking to learn, how-to's and listicles that cater to beginners are a great choice.

Con #1: Brainstorms can Run Dry

It's hard to think of new topics when you post evergreen content. It creates a situation where your team may spend more time on workshopping posts.

Con #2: Success is a Slow Process

evergreen content is more slow and steady when it comes to driving traffic. It won't help if you're looking to take advantage of seasonal or event driven demand

In order to increase website traffic, it's important to have evergreen and relevant content on your website. I don't know what that looks like in practice. There are six things you can do to start.

1. Use content planning templates for your topical and evergreen content

Planning templates are a great place to start since they provide a solid foundation for your long-term traffic strategy.

If you want to get started with your content marketing campaign, check out the free template from HubSpot.

HubSpot's free content planning templates

2. Set a schedule for regular topical refreshes

Schedule regular updates to keep the content current. Depending on the type of content, any more than a week can start to get boring. Two weeks to a month is how long it will take for a post to be published on the website.

3. Get the right tools

Make sure you're on the right track before you start writing. There are tools that can help you find keywords that are on the way up or inform your content strategy.

4. Topical content: Don’t hold back

When it comes to the topics of the day, swing for the fence. It is worth going all-in with content that is relevant to your target audience. You can recover quickly even if it doesn't land as planned.

5. Evergreen content: Think about the long-term

Think about long term traffic potential for evergreen content. The content is useful to your current users. Is it possible to update it as the market changes?

6. Find a content balance

There is a balance between the two. It won't provide sustained success if a totally Topical approach is used. Steady progress isn't enough to jump start customer interest or take advantage of market trends.

Directing Traffic: The Double Benefit of Evergreen and Topical Content

Simply? There are benefits for your site from both evergreen and topically relevant content. When relevant and timely events have customers looking for answers, topical content helps your site get noticed.

Finding a way to balance both that gets visitors interested and keeps them coming back is what it is about.

The post was first published in April 2010 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

promoting content

 content promotion ideas

The story was originally published on September 22nd, but was updated on September 22nd.