You won.

It is a short, simple phrase, but it is the basis for Gamification in marketing.

Businesses can keep customers coming back for more by incorporating game elements into their marketing efforts.

There is a challenge. Gamification basics, common strategies, and real-life examples are some of the things we will show you in this piece.

Any process can be turned into a game. It is possible to turn inbound marketing into a game in order to achieve a specific outcome. In return for engaging in a game that offers the chance to win something, you get a marketing boost.

It's similar to when we give away a free ticket to our next marketing conference to the person who has the most followers on their account, because it taps into people's competitive spirit and drives to win. Again, a win-WIN scenario, and one that is more creative than just asking someone, "Hey, can you?"

Marketing teams can use some common Gamification strategies.

Website Games

There are a lot of website games. They can be simple, like theSpin the wheel pages that pop up when customers click through to products, or they could be virtual scratch cards that let buyers earn a discount on their favorite products.

The key to website games working is to keep them simple and easy to understand. Make it easy for users to play, and allow them to win if they want to.

Loyalty Programs

gamifying the customer experience is one of the ways loyalty programs are used. By tying currency to discounts or special offers, brands can keep their audience coming back.

Completion Meters

Completion meters can be used to engage customers. The tactic of keeping customers interested in their mobile applications is an especially useful one. Companies can drive engagement by giving users a goal and benefits to reach it.

Virtual Badges

If it is tied to a discount or other benefit, virtual badges can help keep customers coming back and encourage them to earn the next digital award.

It is one thing to know the basics, but another to use Gamification to benefit your business. There are 10 examples for your brand to try.

KFC: Mobile gaming

The best way to engage users was with a mobile game. Users swiped away at virtual shrimp falling from a cartoon sky and were encouraged to try the restaurant's battered shrimp with reward vouchers.

22% of people who played the game redeemed their vouchers and the company had to adjust their campaign timing due to increased demand.

Under Armour: Trivia

Users were asked questions about Curry when he sank his first three-pointer of a regular season game. In order to test users knowledge of Curry, the app was set up in a way that would engage them with the under armour brand.

M&M’s: Digital puzzles

M&M's introduced a chocolate-coated pretzel flavor in 2010. The company wanted to increase user engagement. There is a solution. Users were required to find a pretzel image hidden in a field of M&M's.

M&M's saw 25,000 new likes and the game was shared over 6000 times.

Starbucks: Rewards app

Do you want a drink? Wouldn't it be better if we got some rewards to go with it? The Starbucks rewards app gives customers the ability to earn stars for every purchase which can be used to redeem food or drinks.

The app-based membership program accounted for more than half of all US store sales in 2011.

Nike: Fitness competition

Users are encouraged to share their fitness goals and accomplishments with NikeFuel. This helps promote social recognition of the brand and helps Nike integrate their brand into the daily lives of users.

Duolingo: Gamified education

That bird. The company's owl mascot reminds users that they haven't done their session for the day if theyTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkia

The use of mini games to help people learn a new language is more important. There are multiple short games that include selecting the right word to complete a sentence, listening to a phrase and thenTranslating it, or speaking into your device's microphone to see if you have the pronunciation right.

Research on their methods has been published.

Wordle: Streak counter

Where have you been if you've never heard of Wordle? The get-it-in-six tries word guessing app was recently purchased by the New York Times, and while the company hasn't heavily monetized it yet, there's definitely potential to head in that direction.

The streak counter is one of the most important elements of the game and shows users their completion rate over all the puzzles they have done. Your counter will start over if you don't miss a day.

eBay: Emotional investment

In the first quarter of the year, eBay generated over $2 billion in sales, despite the fact that it doesn't get as much traction as it used to.

The sales process is similar to a game. Users can score a great deal if they don't outbid each other. Users can set a maximum bid and get notifications if they are outbid on eBay.

The US Army: First-person gaming

America's Army: Proving Grounds is a first person shooter game created by the US Army. The small group tactics that prioritize working together with squad mates are available on popular app stores.

Headspace: Social sharing

Within three minutes of opening the app, users are encouraged to take their first medication. They can share the achievement with other people. Headspace users can continuously connect with all of the achievements.

Time to Level Up

Gamification can help your campaigns go from boring to enjoyable.

What's the best bet? Simply start. Gamification can be implemented on your website, mobile application, or email campaign. See how users respond to changes to the experience.

With a little time and effort, you can level up your marketing and make it more interactive with your customers.

The post was first published in September 2012 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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 The 30 Greatest Lead Generation Tips, Tricks, & Ideas

The story was originally published on September 22nd, but was updated on September 22nd.