In August, Sri Lanka's annual inflation rate soared to more than 70% as it struggles with its worst economic crisis in more than 70 years.
Food prices rose by 84.6% according to official data.
The South Asian nation of 22 million people was plunged into financial and political chaos this year due to a shortage of foreign currency.
The country has been unable to pay for imports.
The country's economy slowed after peaking at 70% and the Central Bank said it expected inflation to go down.
The economy contracted by 8.4% in the three months to the end of August, according to official figures.
The US dollar was the main foreign currency used by Sri Lanka before the H1N1 epidemic.
The border closings slowed the spread of Covid-19 and kept tourists away.
It was due to years of financial mismanagement that Sri Lanka was forced to default on its debts.
A preliminary deal with the International Monetary Fund has been reached. The country needs to also receive funds from private debt.
India said on Tuesday that it would offer long-term investments as well as restructuring its debt. Almost $4 billion was provided by India to its smaller neighbour.
India offered a credit line of $55 million for fertiliser imports, as well as deferral of payment on Sri Lankan imports.
The extent of the country's economic problems and a proposal to restructure its debts are expected to be discussed by the officials.
The PM said there wouldn't be a hunger crisis.