Who is Jupiter? Neptune's rings have been captured by theJWST, and they are in all of their glory. They're gorgeous.

We don't blame you if you're told that Neptune has rings. This is the first glimpse we've had of them in 25 years, because they are close to its atmosphere and easily obscured by the gas giant's brightness.

"It has been three decades since we last saw these faint, dusty rings, and this is the first time we've seen them in theIR," said a NASA press release.

Big Blue

The pictures were taken by the telescope's near-IR camera and methane, which Neptune's atmosphere is packed with. There are reflective ice clouds that cover the big ol' space marble.

Beyond Neptune's rings, as well as some fainter dust bands that lie between them, Webb was able to spot seven of the planet's 14 moons.

It's just the beginning, and we are very excited. Further study of Neptune and its main moon, Triton, is planned for later this year. We will have the popcorn prepared.

A new image of Neptune shows it's full glory.

The data is so amazing that even the people who built it are questioning previous science.