There is a house of the dragon.
Back when the series was still good, House of the Dragon was hoping to be a megahit. The numbers are showing that.
The first five episodes of House of the Dragon have been watched by 29 million people. That means in context.
Those are monster figures for any premium cable show, and stacked against its predecessor series, that 29 million is more than triple the number of people who watched the first season. Ten years ago, there were fewer places to watch and the series was ending. Game of thrones averaged 46 million in its final season, but even taking that into account, 29 million is still less than that.
Here is the progression of the show over time.
House of the Dragon has been given a free pass to skip ahead all the way to almost season 7 of Game of Throne because of being in the same universe and a deep desire for fans who want more.
There is a house of the dragon.
At least one more season is likely for House of the Dragon. There is a very specific, hard ending for this cast of characters from the source material, but there has also been some talk about the show turning into a Targaryen anthology.
The Old Valyria show that was axed before House was one of many spin-off shows in the works. The only project proposed that would actually take place after the original series is a Jon Snow-led sequel show.
The popularity of House of the Dragon means more seasons and spinoffs. Stay on top of the situation.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are available for purchase.