In the Tasks app, Assistant and Calendar reminders are being folded in. The company wants to unify its to-do systems by making it easier to manage tasks.

The only thing that works in its own silo is the Google Tasks. You can use the side panel in Gmail or the web to create tasks and reminders. Those don't show up on your assistant reminders. There are two different ways to create tasks and reminders in the calendar.

The update will be rolled out in the coming months. When it is available, it will show up in both the Tasks and Calendar lists. The task completion reminder will be sent to their email at the set time.

The assistant reminders will be sync to the tasks.

We are going to simplify our task management solutions by moving Assistant and Calendar Reminders to the internet. The company said in a post that this means you will have an easy way to view and manage all your to-dos in one place.

In the coming months, users will see a prompt to try out the new integrated Task experience when they are using a calendar or assistant app. The company will remove the calendar reminders once the migration is complete.

The image is from the internet search engine, GOOGLE.

You can set reminders for different tasks if you want. We will have to wait for a mega to-do integration from the company since there is no integration with the note-taking app.