Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a meeting on the military-industrial complex at the Kremlin, September 20, 2022, in Moscow, Russia.Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a meeting on the military-industrial complex at the Kremlin, September 20, 2022, in Moscow, Russia.

The country's people and economy will be put on a wartime footing as a result of Putin's partial military deployment.

In a rare televised announcement, Putin said the West wanted to destroy his country and that the West had tried to turnUkraine's people into cannon fodder.

Putin said that he had ordered an increase in funding to boost Russia's weapons production but did not give any further details.

Russian businesses and citizens may have to contribute more to the war effort because of a hazy concept called a partial mobilize. Despite invading it in February, Russia has not yet declared war.

Russia’s Putin announces partial military mobilization

Putin accused the West of engaging in nuclear blackmail against Russia and warned that the country had lots of weapons to respond to what he said were Western threats.

There are doubts over whether Russia would actually deploy a nuclear weapon, with analysts saying it could be the start of a third world war.

The British Foreign Office Minister said that Putin's comments should not be taken lightly.

We're not in control and I'm not sure he's in control either. She said that this is an increase.

Russia invaded Ukraine in late February and has launched counteroffensives in the north and south of the country to regain lost territory.

Speculation mounted Tuesday that Putin could be about to announce a full or partial mobilization of the Russian economy and society, paving the way for possible conscription of Russian men of fighting age, after Moscow-installed officials in occupied areas of Ukranian announced plans to stage immediate referenda on joining Russia

The Kremlin would be able to make a false claim that it was defending its own territory if the votes were rigged in favor of joining Russia.

Plans to hold such votes were condemned by the Ukrainian government and its Western allies who said they would not recognize the votes and efforts to annex more of the country.

There are two self-proclaimed, pro-Russian republics in eastern Ukraine and Putin said he had ordered the government to give legal status to volunteers fighting in the area.