NBA players don't want RobertSarver back in a position of power according to the NBPA executive director. It was :55.
Draymond Green is an All-Star forward for the Golden State Warriors.
On the Draymond Green Show, Green asked that there be a vote.
Three-quarters of the board of governors have to approve the removal of an owner.
It's baffling to me that we'll walk into the arena next year. The Phoenix Suns will walk into the arena next year and he will sit on the sideline. I'm going to need someone to explain to me why it's not possible to get rid of the LA Clippers owner after what we've read.
Is that correct? There should be a vote. Let's look at what those numbers are if that's the only way. Let's take a look at what they are.
An investigation found that he used the N-word at least five times and that he was fined $10 million.
There were instances of inequitable conduct toward female employees, including sex- related comments and inappropriate comments on employees' appearances.
NBA owners never voted on whether or not to fire the owner, despite Silver banning him for life. The Clippers were put up for sale.
Green said that players have been thrown out of the league for less because of the league's punishment.
If you're the owner of an asset, you can't be fired if you're suspended for a year and fined $10 million. If half of the things that came out of the investigation into Robert were found to be true, I think anyone else in the NBA who doesn't play would be fired.
An investigation was commissioned by the NBA in the wake of allegations of racism and misogynistic behavior by the owner of the team.
After being told by both Black and white subordinates that he should not use the word, he used it at least five times.
Green said that if you use the N-word to re-describe something that someone else has said, you should stop. That's crazy. The level of comfort that you have to have to use the word again doesn't make it ok for Robert to use the N-word.
The organization's success is built on the backs of African Americans, according to Green.
Is everything going to normal when he comes back next year? Green wanted to know. Is it possible for those guys to not see what they just heard? Is it okay for those guys to continue working with this guy?
Green said the outcome of the investigation "kind of fell short of what it should be."
Is it possible that Robert Sarver can still represent us? Green said that it was bulls---. You can't continue to represent more people than yourself, with speaking to people the way he did, with treating African Americans and women the way he has.
He gets to come back in the fold as if he still represents us? He's a part of us. That cannot be true. I'm very uncomfortable because I'm African American. Because you own an asset, you can't be punished, right?