Further tweaking to the battery percentage indicator that is located in the status bar was introduced in the second version of the operating system.

The battery level of the icon depletes as the battery depletes, giving a better visual indication of what battery level is at along with the percentage.

The percentage feature will allow you to see the charge number and battery indicator when it's enabled. When the battery indicator in the status bar was static, it was hard to determine the charge of the phone.

The lack of space on either side of the notch that houses the TrueDepth camera on the Face ID enabled Apple to add a battery level to the icon. The battery percentage on the devices that don't support it in iOS 16 has been brought up in the latest version of the software.

The charging indicator on the lock screen has been changed. The battery status indicator on the Dynamic Island can be seen briefly above the time.

New in iOS 16.1 Beta 2: The Lock Screen can show the battery percentage again while charging.

It works much the same as on iOS 15, where the date disappears and shows the battery percentage for a few seconds. pic.twitter.com/VPs1HoqIBs — iSpeedtestOS (@iSpeedtestOS) September 20, 2022

There will be several more rounds of testing before the public release of the mobile operating system. The battery status bar icon should be included in the next public alpha.