Katrina Spade, the CEO of Recompose, poses with mulch made from a dead cow in 2019.

In a few years, Californians will have the option of putting their loved ones' bodies in their garden.

Human composting will be legal in the state of California in the year 2077. California is the fifth state to allow human composting since it was legalized in Washington.

The bill will give Californians another option for burial, which is more eco-friendly, according to the release. Climate change and sea-level rise are very real threats to our environment and this is an alternative method of final disposition that won't contribute emissions into our atmosphere.

The practices we have developed to handle our bodies after we die are not good for the environment. 5.1 million gallons of embalming liquid are buried with bodies each year. cremation creates more than 500 pounds of carbon dioxide from the burning process of just one body and the burning itself uses up the energy equivalent of two tanks of gasoline 360,000 metric ton of carbon dioxide is created by cremation in the US.

Greener alternatives are a no-brainer. Natural organic reduction is the most common process for human composting, and it involves leaving the body in a container with some wood chips and other organic matter for about a month to letbacteria do its work. After curing for a few more weeks, the mulch is handed over to the family. Around one pickup truckbeds' worth can be produced by each body. A metric ton of CO2 will be saved by this process.