Deborah Birx in blue scarf
Former White House COVID Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx on April 27, 2022.John Lamparski/Getty Images
  • Thousands of deaths could have been mitigated.

  • According to a new book, Trump said he did a good job with the swine flu.

  • The only thing she did well was scarves according to the former president.

According to a new book, Donald Trump took a jab at the doctor after she criticized him.

After Birx said in TV interviews and to congressional investigators that thousands of deaths could have been mitigated or decreased substantially, Trump rejected the statement and suggested his response was flawless.

The former president said in an interview that he did a good job with the swine flu.

The authors wrote that Trump said the only thing she did well was scarves.

The doctor's fashion accessory was so popular that a page dedicated to it was created on the social media platform.

The other people in Trump's circle were ignored when it came to the former president's response to the swine flu.

The book says that Donald Trump's wife urged him to take the disease seriously.

She told her husband that she was blowing this. This is not ok. It's going to be bad, and you need to be more careful than you are. She had just been fired by him. She remembered him telling her that she was too worried. "Forget it."

Business Insider has an article on it.