The majority of people worry that cloud applications and data will be attacked. The majority of people don't feel confident that their cloud security is configured correctly, but they think they have adequate control processes and policies. It is a challenge to train employees adequately on cyber security.
The weakest link in any IT security strategy has always been people. Organizational, managerial, and strategic issues are studied byCAMS. It only takes one person to click on the wrong email or the wrong link. End users are not the only people that interact with our systems. Pearlson says that every single person that interacts with systems is vulnerable.
Users are responsible for almost 19 out of 20 cyberattacks, despite the fact that most system security measures are handled by IT.
Phishing emails are the one that start them all. Rather than breaking the locks, they are trying to get the keys. Phishing attempts can fool even the most cautious user, as they can masquerade as urgent messages from the C-suite. End users are in a better position to do more damage when there is a covid lockdown.
A user's initial sign-in to a zero-trust environment isn't the end of surveillance. Zero trust is followed as users go about the cyber-day, making sure they don't click on a link that opens a door to a hacker. Users won't notice zero trust unless it decides it can't trust you and locks you out of somewhere
The user doesn't have to do the right thing for the security to work. They don't have to remember a password or be cautious about what they download.
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