Children under the age of 12 may be losing the equivalent of one night's sleep per week due to excessive social media use.

More than 70% of the 60 children surveyed said they used social media for four hours a day or more. Two thirds of people said they used social media before they went to sleep.

The study found that over a quarter of the children woke up to check their notifications.

Children are supposed to sleep for between nine to 11 hours a night, but those surveyed reported sleeping an average of 8.7 hours nightly.

They said that the fear of missing out is affecting their sleep. If you're not online when something is happening, it means you're not taking part in it.

It can be feedback. You are more anxious if you are on social media. You're looking at something that's making you restless.

A survey found that TikTok had the most engagement from the children. Almost all of the people surveyed said they usedSnapchat.

Legislators in California want to make sure that social media doesn't have a negative effect on young children.

Some of the more damaging features of the apps have been targeted by the state. Social media apps can't design features that are detrimental to kids' well-being.