In an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria, former President Bill Clinton said Democrats can retain control of Congress in the next Congress.

Clinton was asked if Democrats can break the decades-long trend of their party losing control of Congress in mid-term elections.

Clinton said in the interview that they could hold both houses, but they had to say the right things. The Republicans are always close to us. What's the reason? Swing voters are scared out of their minds by new ways of scaring them. That's what they did when they made critical race theory sound bad.

Republicans swept the top three statewide offices in Virginia, which had previously been associated with Democrats, and put up an unexpectedly strong showing in New Jersey's governor's race, partly due to the teaching of race in schools and the introduction of COVID-19.

Clinton said they scare people. The breakpoint in American politics is still the same as it was in the 90s. As the parties have gotten more ideological and clear, they pull more and more people towards the extremes.

—Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 18, 2022

Less persuadable swing voters and less willingness to cross party lines can be found since Clinton's presidency. A record-low number of voters split their tickets in the 2020 election. Clinton argued that there were some people who were trying to understand what was happening.

Clinton was questioned about Ken Starr's death.

The Clintons were investigated by the special prosecutor over their real estate dealings in Arkansas. The biggest scandal of Clinton's presidency was his extramarital affair with Lewinsky.

Clinton said that Starr's family loved him and that was something to be grateful for. I was told not to talk about them. I have no comment. He died with the love of his family.