An eyebrow-raising claim, considering the decades of research and billions of dollars that have already been poured into doing just that, is that China will turn fusion energy into a reality by 2028.

Being the world's first to achieve energy-scale fusion release will be the most important milestone in the road to fusion energy for humans.

Clean nuclear fusion energy, generated by the force of atom nuclei fusion together, has tantalized scientists for almost a century.

Over the past few years, researchers and a growing number of startups have made claims about bringing the world closer and closer to nuclear fusion, but the reality is far less impressive than that.

The detonation of a thermonuclear bomb will be mimicked by the new reactor in China. The energy is released by the process of fusion.

This new project won't be the first of its kind, and the history of the tech helps to keep the hype down. All the "Z-pinch" reactor that have been built around the world have failed to generate more energy than they need to, as reported by the South China Morning Post.

The fusion reactor will be used to power a more traditional nuclear facility, which is a step towards commercial fusion energy tech.

It is claimed that the plant will be able to produce nuclear fusion energy by 2028, and that the technology will be ready for commercial use by the year 2035.

Only a few countries have offered a nuclear fusion timeline like this one, but China is definitely invested in the tech.

China claimed to have broken its own record when its "artificial Sun" reactor had temperatures ten times hotter than the Sun for more than 17 minutes straight.

The record was set by a very different type of fusion reactor, which uses more conventional approaches to fusion energy, heating up plasma inside a donut-shaped reactor called a "tokamak."

It's hard to say what to think of this latest announcement, given China's secretive nature.

As the world continues to suffer from energy shortages and the effects of climate change, the technology of nuclear fusion could present a major paradigm shift.

We have doubts as to whether fusion energy can be turned into a reality.

Nuclear fusion power is 6 years away, according to China's top weapons scientist.

The first small nuclear reactor has been greenlit.