Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida has called himself
Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.John Raoux/AP Images
  • The email was sent after Warren was asked about the abortion bill.

  • The deadline for the email was September 19

  • You can read the email that comes with the abortion ban bill.

Marco Rubio of Florida is now playing assignment editor when it comes to abortion coverage, ordering Insider in a bizarre email to quiz Democrats about their stance on the polarizing topic or else face some sort of public shame.

The deputy chief of staff demanded that Insider get Democratic lawmakers on record about what restrictions they support and ask the abortion provider about pregnant women's rights.

The results of the response will be published on September 20.

"Non-answers will be treated as an acknowledgement that your publication has not asked those types of questions to any federally elected Democrat," he wrote.

It's not known if that email was sent to other reporters.

Two days after Lindsey Graham introduced a national abortion ban, there was an ominous note. In May, he declined to endorse a specific abortion ban, but told Insider that he had signed on to Graham's proposal.

I kept my mind the same. The two-term lawmaker said that he would vote for any bill that saved lives.

Similar abortion laws around the globe are proof of concept, and Graham's bill is more permissive than most countries in Europe.

The issue is that Democrats will not budge on their demand for taxpayer-funded abortion.

While noting that Graham's proposal is in line with Florida law, he indicated that he's open to negotiation.

Four months is the length of time. If they'd accept five months, we'd do five months. Democrats won't vote for any restriction of any kind on abortion, so he doesn't think there will be a compromise.

Business Insider has an article on it.