According to the Washington Post, the lead prosecutor of the grand jury said that those implicated in the probe may be sentenced to prison.
The Fulton County Georgia District Attorney is pictured.
According to the Fulton County District Attorney, the panel has heard allegations of serious crimes.
According to Guiliani's legal team, Rudy Giuliani has been told he is a target in the investigation.
The fake electors who met at the Georgia state capitol in 2020 to vote for Trump even though he lost the state have been told they could face criminal charges.
Other targets will be added soon, according to the Post.
There are serious allegations. People who are indicted and convicted will face prison sentences if they are found guilty. It could take a long time to indict those involved.
There is a chance that prosecutors will ask Trump to testify.
The special grand jury investigated Trump after the election. The recording of a call between Trump and the Georgia Secretary of State was published by the Post. A number of people close to Trump have been subpoenaed by the committee. The fact- finding stage of the probe will be finished by the end of the year, according to the Post. A separate grand jury would need to indict Trump or anyone else if the panel recommends criminal charges. Several Trump allies, including Giuliani and Graham, have resisted subpoenas to appear before the committee, though Giuliani testified last month. The House January 6 committee probe includes interviews with more than a thousand witnesses, including several former Trump aides.
According to Trump, he has not been told he's a target in a criminal investigation. The Republican National Committee chairwoman told the House January 6 that Trump was involved in the fake electors effort.
The prosecutor says the inquiry may lead to prison sentences.
The lawyer says that Giuliani is a target of the election grand jury.
The district attorney in Georgia said that fake electors could face criminal charges.