A fireball was seen in the night sky over Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The first of hundreds of reports of a fireball came in at about 9 pm.
A person filmed what she thought was a shooting star over a town in Scotland.
Steve Owens said it was a brilliant fireball.
He said: "It was incredible, I was sitting in my living room at exactly 10 o'clock last night and saw out of the window this brilliant fireball, this meteorite, and I could tell that it was something special."
Owens said it was unusual for it to go on for such a long time.
If you see a shooting star, it usually lasts for a short time. This one was streaking across the sky for at least 10 seconds, and it traveled from the south all the way to the west, so it was a pretty incredible sight.
He said that it was likely to have been in Scotland.
Owens said that the thing last night was bigger than a small amount of dust.
It is not impossible that bits could have landed if the ball was the size of a golf ball or a cricket ball.
It was fairly flat across the sky as I saw it, and it looked like it was traveling a fair distance.
Hundreds of reports from Scotland and Northern Ireland were used to calculate the fireball's trajectory.
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It could have passed over land and ended up in the Atlantic if people in Northern Ireland had seen it. Finding it will be the challenge, it is not impossible that it landed.
The network was trying to figure out what the object was. Most reports came from Scotland and Northern Ireland, according to it.
Danny was walking his dog in the area when he saw the fireball.
He said that he saw a flash in the sky while walking his dog and recorded it.
I thought it might be a firework, but I grabbed my phone to see if I could catch it, because there was a lot of Scottish football on at the time.