A one-year suspension and a $10 million fine for the Phoenix Suns and Phoenix Mercury should be harsher than that, according to the man who knows more about sports than anyone else.
"Our league definitely got this wrong, there is no place in this league for that kind of behavior," said the Los Angeles Lakers star. I am a huge fan of this league and respect its leadership. This isn't correct. There is no place for sexism, racism, or misogynistic behavior in the workplace.
LeBron James @KingJamesbehavior. I love this league and I deeply respect our leadership. But this isn’t right. There is no place for misogyny, sexism, and racism in any work place. Don’t matter if you own the team or play for the team. We hold our league up as an example of our values and this aint it.
An investigation by the NBA found that he engaged in conduct that clearly violated workplace standards.
During his time with the Suns, there were allegations of racism and sexism made against him by a number of people.
A 43-page report was released Tuesday by the law firm of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, which was hired by the NBA to investigate the matter.
The investigation found that he used the N-word at least five times and made sex-related comments at the workplace.
He made inappropriate comments about the physical appearance of female employees and other women, and frequently engaged in degrading and harsh treatment of employees, according to the investigation.
It was easy to think of the NBA's response to former Los Angeles Clippers governor DonaldSterling after he was heard making racist comments on tape.
In the early days of Adam Silver's tenure as commissioner, he responded by banning Sarver from the league and fining him $2.5 million, a move that received a lot of praise at the time.
James, one of the most notable voices in NBA history with his on-court accomplishments and willingness to speak out on non- basketball issues, is among those who disagree with the punishment.
Silver told reporters at the press conference that the situation of the Sarver is different than that of the sterling case.
The commissioner said that Sterling was guilty of "racist conduct directed at a select group of people" and that his comments were "wholly of a different kind."
When explaining why an employee of a team might be fired for certain actions, Silver said that the owner of the team can keep it.
James doesn't think there is enough room in the NBA for him to return to his old role.