According to a statement put out by some of the NASA craft's Canadian partners, the James Telescope continues to impress even the most no-nonsense scientists.

Els Peeters, an astronomer at Ontario's Western University, said in a statement that they were blown away by the new images of the famous nebula.

We have been waiting for the data for more than five years.

The new images show thefilaments and gas clouds that are believed to cause stars to form, and are a stunning, in-depth look at an astrophysics favorite located some 1,300 light years away.

New observations allow us to understand how massive stars transform the gas and dust cloud in which they are born.

Star Stuff

As part of a project known as Photodissociation, these latest images were obtained by an international Consortium of academics, including Ontario's Western University.

The shots show in more detail than before the mysterious ways star-incubating nebulas work.

"We have never been able to see the intricate fine details of how interstellar matter is structured in these environments, and to figure out how planetary systems can form in the presence of this harsh radiation," Habart said. The images show the heritage of the medium in the planets.

These images are an example of how to look back into our universe's history and see how stars were made, according to the translation.

It looks like the JWST is working as planned, and may even exceed astronomer's wildest dreams, given how excited these scientists are.

Astronomers "Blown Away" by the First Breathtaking Hubble Space Telescope.

Scientists are puzzled because James is seeing stuff that shouldn't be there.