He admits he didn't know much about mushrooms when he first started. He didn't know the names of the trees around him. He thinks that anyone with a small interest in mushrooms can go into the woods and start their own journey.

Padilla-Brown didn't know much about nature. I wanted to look for these mushrooms. I learned a lot of things when I figured out how to find them.

The founder of the company Myco Symbiotics is a mycologist by the name of Padilla- Brown. He knows how to navigate nature as an expert. The term "Hooked on Phonics of ecological literacy" was invented by him.

If you are passionate about mushrooms, you can learn everything you need to know about nature. Everyone should be given the power to be a forager. During your travels, you can dip your toe into Mushroom Foraged.

will padilla-brown smiling and holding two types of mushrooms in his hands in a forest while wearing a backpack - mushroom foraging

The photo was taken by Will Padilla- Brown.

Part of your hiking or camping trip should be dedicated to mushroom hunting. There are many benefits to harvesting your own food, from learning more about the landscape surrounding you to integrating higher quality food into your diet. Food that is good for the environment is something that Padilla-Brown supports.

He says that foraging for mushrooms is one of the most sustainable ways to eat.

He believes that you can get a new perspective on the place that you are visiting with the help of the food you eat on your travels. This can help you understand and appreciate nature.

He says that aging brings more magic. When you travel across the U.S., it becomes boring. There is a Family Dollar at every stop. If you can, go into each of the regions and taste the different flavors. I think that makes people want to protect and care for nature.

If you want to try it out the next time you travel, Padilla-Brown has five important tips.

How to go mushroom foraging while traveling

1. Use apps to help identify mushrooms

If you are going camping or traveling in a van with limited space, you should not overload your luggage with mushrooms and mycology books. It is still important to get expert information on mushrooms. Travel foraged can be dangerous for people who are new to the area, because they don't have a lot of experience with the plants and organisms. Any mushrooms that amateur foragers find in the wild can be identified with an app.

technology, picking season and people concept - close up of male hands with smartphone using mobile app to identify mushroom

There is a photo of the ground.

He likes i Naturalist and Seek. I take a picture of an object, I identify it, and I put the location where I found it on i Naturalist. If you want to make sure that it is exactly what you said it was, you can use iNaturalist and see what people found and where they found it.

Seek by iNaturalist can be used when you are in a forest foraged. When you take a photo of a plant you want to identify, you can use the iNaturalist app to sort through all the photos to find a match. It helps people who want to make sure they don't end up with a lot of poisonous mushrooms.

2. Find a community

Even the expert-vetting apps can be wrong. If you want to learn more about mushrooms, you should supplement your searches on iNaturalist with your own community of foragers.

He says there are a lot of good groups. There are thousands of people on the internet who can say what it is.

Padilla-Brown says that Youtube is a good place to start. There are over 300 videos on his channel. The account Learn Your Land is recommended by him.

Two women, mother and daughter, gone mushroom foraging. The Finnish mushroom season extends roughly from early May to late November. Only pick mushrooms that you can definitely identify as edible

The photo was taken by SariMe.

Going to a local farmer's market to find out what mushrooms are in season and what mushrooms look like is a good way to find out if you want to travel to a new place. Vendors can chat with one another to learn more about mushrooms in the area.

Online and chatting with strangers can only take you so far. Face time with an expert is needed if you want to learn the art and craft of Foraged. A mushroom certification course is suggested by Padilla- Brown.

3. Take advantage of Google

A lot of expert foragers refuse to share their favorite places. Even if you have a community of foragers behind you, there is a good chance you will have your own spots. If you pass through an unfamiliar area, you can find out where mushrooms are growing. If you follow other foragers online, you can find out where other people have stumbled upon a particular mushroom. Even if you don't have an app, detective work will usually get you to where you need to be.

He says the best way to figure out a mushroom's habitat is to look at it. Mushroom growth is usually associated with a tree or other plant. Plants grow in places with certain minerals in the soil or water. You can find all that information by searching for it on the internet. You can go to where the mushrooms are. Chanterelles prefer to be in an oak forest. If you can find a place on your map where there is a big oak forest, you will most likely find chanterelles. If you know where the spot is, it doesn't matter.

4. Don’t try to learn the name of every mushroom on the planet

It's easy to get overwhelmed with the many mushroom species out there. He suggests looking at general types of mushrooms that can be eaten all over the US rather than trying to memorize the name and appearance of every mushroom on Earth. There are two examples that are mentioned. Many different species of these can be found all over the country. You can recognize those mushrooms anywhere if you know where to look.

Lion's Mane mushroom on oak tree in the autumn forest. ( Hericium erinaceus )

The photo was taken by Igor Cheri.

He says that a lot of people have an idea that they are going to go out in the wild and find lots of different mushrooms, but they have to figure out what they are going to eat. Every place in the world has a type of mushroom that you want to eat. It is August in New Mexico and the mushroom that is out there is porcini.

5. Don’t be afraid of nature

Some people feel like they can't touch nature once they interact with it. Nature is plentiful. It produces more and more. Nature wants you to make mistakes and learn from them, so don't worry. I'm so happy foraged.