Ultra-processed foods now make up 50 percent or more of the calories consumed in some countries.

This is concerning, given that these foods have been linked to a number of different health conditions, including a greater risk of being obese.

emulsifiers, thickeners, and artificial flavors are some of the ingredients used to make ultra-processed foods.

Sugary drinks and many breakfast cereals are ultra-processed foods, as are more recent innovations, such as so-called 'plant-based' burgers, which are typically made ofprotein isolates and other chemicals to make the products palatable

The natural structure of the food ingredients is destroyed by the intense industrial processes used to make ultra-processed foods.

Ultra-processed foods are harmful for our health and many of us know about it. It's not clear if this is just because these foods are not good for you.

Two new studies show that poor nutrition can't explain health risks. This suggests that other factors may need to be explained.

The role of inflammation

The first study found that people who ate the most ultra-processed foods were more likely to die early.

Ultra-processed foods were found to be associated with a higher risk of colon cancer in a second study.

The health risks from eating a diet high in ultra-processed foods remained even after accounting for the poor nutrition of their diet. Other factors may contribute to the harms caused by ultra-processed food.

It suggests that the risk of disease from consuming ultra-processed foods may not be mitigated by getting the right nutrition elsewhere in the diet.

Attempts by the food industry to improve the nutrition of ultra-processed foods by adding a few more vitamins may be sidestepping a more fundamental problem with these foods.

Ultra-processed food is harmful to our health.

Inflammation markers, such as a higher white blood cell count, were higher in groups that ate the most ultra-processed foods.

If we catch a cold or get cut, our bodies may respond in an inflammatory way. White blood cells in the body send signals to our immune cells to attack any invaders.

Some people may develop chronic inflammation even though their inflammatory response resolves quickly. It is involved in many chronic diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Studies show that poor diet can increase inflammation in the body, and that this can lead to chronic diseases.

The Italian study found that people who ate the most ultra-processed foods had more signs of inflammation than people who didn't.

emulsifiers and artificial sweeteners in ultra-processed foods can cause inflammation in the gut by changing the gut microbiome.

Ultra-processed foods are thought to increase inflammation because they are seen as foreign by the body. The body is responding to fast food. Inflammation is increased as a result of this.

The US colon cancer study did not establish if inflammation increased in the men who were consuming the most ultra-processed foods.

There are other mechanisms that may explain why ultra-processed food causes so many health problems.

Since inflammatory responses are hard-wired in our bodies, the best way to prevent this is to not eat ultra-processed foods at all.

The Mediterranean diet has been shown to be anti- inflammatory.

It's possible that a plant-based diet free from ultra-processed foods can help prevent chronic diseases. An anti- inflammatory diet can help counteract the effects of ultra-processed food.

Ultra-processed foods can be difficult to reduce. Resisting ultra-processed foods can be difficult because they are designed to be hyper-palatable.

These foods are not labeled as such. If you look at their ingredients, you can identify them. It's an ultra-processed food if things such as emulsifiers, thickeners, and other industrial sounding products are a sign.

If you want to avoid the harms of ultra-processed foods, you should make meals from scratch.

Richard is an associate lecturer at the university.

The article was written by The Conversation. The original article is worth a read.