Is there a single person who prefers rear facing seats to forward facing ones? I wonder if that is strange?

Why rear facing airplane seats are awesome

Some airlines have rear facing seats in business class. At least some of the airlines have these types of seats on their planes.

The two best business class products in the world both have staggered configurations with half of the seats being rear facing. I'm talking about the Qsuites and The Room.

All Nippon Airways has rear facing business class seats

I understand why some people don't like rear facing business class seats, but I wanted to share three reasons I choose rear facing seats. No specific order...

You get the best view

One of the drawbacks to sitting in business class is that you have to turn your head more than 90 degrees in order to see the wing. I consider aviation to be a miracle, and I like to look out the window and see the jet engine working.

One of the great things about a rear facing business class seat is that you can see the wing and engine without turning. This is a great view for a long flight.

Look at that Qatar Airways A350 wing view!

It’s better for sleeping

The only time the nose will ever be pointed down is during the descent at cruise altitude. If you recline your seat into a forward facing position, your head is below your feet. Many airlines have thin pillows that don't do much for me.

Your head is higher than your feet when you sit in a rear facing seat. I find it noticeable when I sleep.

A rear facing seat can be (slightly) better for sleeping

It’s fun

I have a different definition of fun, but I like to sit backwards during takeoff and landings. I would like to think that I still appreciate the miracle of flight after flying millions of miles.

The excitement of takeoff and landing does diminish over time. Flying backwards is similar to flying for the first time all over again. Sometimes I find myself giggling a little bit during takeoff and landing, but not as much as I would like.

Sitting backwards can be kind of fun

Personally, I love rear facing seats. I think sitting backwards is better for sleeping and giving you a better view. I will always choose a rear facing seat over a front facing seat.

Is anyone else a fan of the rear facing seats?
