An artificial intelligence-driven toast that gets the perfect level of brownness each time, a device to remove flying insects from a room, and a sensor that tells you when a nappy needs changing are some of the things that can be found. Three new things were created by UK inventors.
6,087 patent applications were published with at least one UK-based inventor listed in 2021.
Invention applications were listed for every 100,000 people in Cambridge.
Willam Playford, the inventor of the coffee making apparatus, is still waiting for the IPO to examine his invention. The machine has a pressure valve and a cooling chamber that allow coffee to be brew at the desired espresso temperature.
South Cambridgeshire had 105 applications for every 100,000 residents, which was the most applications per capita. It was followed by Three Rivers in Hertfordshire.
There are a lot of patents related to scientific devices and methods. Many of the applications were designed for everyday consumers.
Philip Davies of Southsea, Pompey, invented an artificial intelligence-controlled toasting device.
When the toast popped up too early, I was annoyed. He told the Guardian it would come up black if he put it down a second time.
He wants to use a neural network trained on thousands of images of toast to create a system that can toast bread to desired levels of browning. The device hasn't come to market despite initial interest.
I don't remember what burnt toast is anymore. He said that it hasn't happened.
I think I have the best toast in the world at the moment, and my wife and I have had it for a few years.
A device invented by Peter Foster promises a more humane way of ridding rooms of flies. A UV light is placed near the entrance of the device, which was granted a patent by the IPO.
It promised a new approach which would keep our indoor spaces as free from flying insects as is reasonably practicable without replacing them with corpses.
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The inventors of a device for a nappy were listed as being from the UK. Their invention, which is currently in order for a grant, promises to remove the need for manual nappy checks by attaching a sensor that can check for nappy fullness.
Inventions have appeared on the show. A patent for a gas-flushing toilet was granted by the IPO, but the man failed to get any investment for his invention.
A method to stop ballet dancers from slipping in their shoes, a satellite-linked cigarette substitute that allows you to track how much you smoke, and a shock collar to stop dogs fighting each other are all patent applications.
Some UK inventors were still influenced by the swine flu. There were six applications that mentioned a face mask.
The word "blockchain" was mentioned in 26 applications from UK inventors.
Less than 1% of the UK based patent applications had been terminated before grant. At the time of writing, the rest had yet to go through the grant process.