The Democratic nominee for Ohio's open Senate seat told a TV station that he believes his party needs to make a "generational move" away from President Joe Biden.
Tim Ryan spoke with reporters after the debate at Central State University. In this photo, Paul Vernon poses.
Ryan said that both Republicans and Democrats should embrace a younger generation of leaders when he was asked if he thought Biden should run.
Ryan's comments are in line with those of two Minnesota Democrats who are running for reelection.
In late July,Phillips became the first Democrat in Congress to say Biden shouldn't run in 2024, telling a Minneapolis radio station that the country would be well-served by a new generation of compelling, well-prepared, dynamic Democrats.
Craig agreed with her colleague's call for a new generation of leadership.
Biden has said he is running for reelection in four years.
Ryan thinks the environment in the country is bad.
Hours after his comments aired, Ryan attended an event with Biden. Ryan has received the endorsement of Biden.
According to polling, most Democratic voters don't want Biden to be the party's presidential nominee in 2024, and while only a few officials have publicly said it's time to move on from Biden, reports suggest many Democrats are hoping he doesn't run. Biden is by far the oldest president in the nation's history and his advanced age is the biggest worry. Biden can point to a number of accomplishments recently, such as signing the Inflation Reduction Act into law, the most significant new federal gun control measures in decades, and a series of strong jobs reports, which have begun to ease concerns about his approval rating. In late July, Biden's approval rating was 37.5%, but according to FiveThirtyEight's polling average, he has an approval rating of 42%.
Ryan claims to be willing to clash with Democratic leaders when he feels the party is too far to the left. Ryan's House votes align with Biden's position 100% of the time.
The first Democrat in congress thinks that Biden shouldn't run for president.
Craig said that new leaders were needed in D.C.
A majority of Democrats don't want Biden to be their presidential candidate.
Biden says he's going to run for re-election in four years.
Biden's approval rating went up after a series of unexpected wins.