Hundreds of bakeries in Germany sold their bread and buns in the dark on Thursday in protest over rising energy costs.

The price of energy has gone up since the beginning of the year because the Kremlin reduced the flow of natural gas to Europe because of sanctions. Governments and businesses have been forced to cut power use.

About 800 bakeries in northern Germany would turn the lights off on Thursday, according to the German guild association Bcker- und Konditoren. BKV said it's part of a campaign to make the German government aware that bakeries are in danger.

Customers had to sit in the dark to eat their sandwiches and pastries because the bakeries were still open.

The baker told NDR that it was difficult to afford higher energy and labor costs.

An employee at the Daube bakery opens the oven in the darkened store.
An employee at the Daube bakery opens an oven in a darkened store.
Axel Heimken/Getty Images

BKV said that bakeries have been hard hit by higher energy costs.

The guild's slogan was "our lights are turning off, today it's the light and tomorrow it will be the oven?"

bakeries can't offset the increases in gas and electricity prices on their own The guild said in a press release that it is more difficult for bakeries to stay open because of the rising cost of flour and other ingredients.

The BKV said that bakeries want to be eligible for subsidies from the ekDP.

The production of vermouth or wallpaper is eligible but bakeries are not.