The queen Elizabeth II.
The Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland passed away Thursday at the age of 92. She was over the age of 100. Her father was George VI. Charles is the son of her. Charles is older than his mother who was queen at a very young age.
It's not likely that Charles III will make the top-ten list, or that Elizabeth II will rule as long as possible. Prince William was born one year and one day after me.
The United Kingdom has a long list of monarchs.
The blue Garter Star and the Riband, Badge and Garter Star are owned by the Royal Family.
The age of ascension is 25 years old.
Elizabeth II oversaw a time of great social and technological change while on the throne. The personal computer and internet have expanded rapidly. The world of 1952 is almost exactly the same as the world of 2022,
The last Prime Minister to serve under Elizabeth II was Liz Truss, who said, "All the film people in the world, if they had scoured the globe, could not have found anyone so suited to the part"
On her 21st birthday, Elizabeth promised to devote her life to her service. It was a long life of work.
The Crown and The Queen are two TV shows that you should watch.
The painting is of Queen Victoria.
The age of ascension is 18 years old.
Victoria was just as young as Elizabeth II when she wore the crown. The English monarchy has had many child kings who came with a power vacuum in their toes.
It took Victoria 63 years to have an entire era named after her. Classic romance novels, buttoned up dress codes, and a pre-modernity just on the verge of the world we know are all part of the Victorian Era.
Victoria oversaw a time of change comparable to that of Elizabeth II, who oversaw a time of industrialization and social change.
When Queen Victoria died, she was 81 years old.
Mrs. Brown is a movie to watch.
Allan Ramsey painted King George III.
The age of ascension is 22 years old.
King George III ruled over Great Britain and Ireland for over five decades. Ireland became a part of the UK in 1802.
George III ruled from the second half of the 18th century to the first decade of the 19th. He was the longest reigning monarch in English history when he died.
There were many wars during George's reign. The American colonies won their independence in the Revolutionary War despite the fact that George was an anti-slavery activist. His armies defeated Napoleon Bonaparte in the Battle of Waterloo in the 19th century.
George III and Charlotte had fifteen children, nine of which were sons and six of which were daughters.
The Madness of King George is a good movie to watch.
The person is James I.
The age of ascension is one year.
When the crowns of Scotland and England were joined in 1603, James Charles Stuart was still King of Scotland.
James was the grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland, making him a potential heir to all three kingdoms.
He succeeded Elizabeth I and the "Golden Age" of the Elizabethan Era continued under his reign, though James was met with political unrest in England, including an assassination attempt in 1605. The conspirators wanted to put James's daughter, Elizabeth, on the throne to end persecution of Catholics.
The authorities were tipped off prior to the event and found the gunpowder that was to be used to blow up the House of Lords. Some of the conspirators fled England and were sentenced to death. They were put to death.
There is a mini-series about gunpowder.
The photo of Henry III's coffin was taken byValerie McGlinchey.
The age of ascension is nine years.
One of the more conflicted reigns in English history was that of Henry III. Henry began his rule without the experience necessary to deal with the changes taking place in English society, including the rise of a parliamentary.
Henry III was the longest-reigning monarch of Medieval England, a record that would not be broken by an English king until George III came to power.
The signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 changed the relationship between the nobles and the king. Henry had a conflict with the Catholic church and Rome as well as confusion over the status of the Jews in England. He was a man who was very religious. His journeys were often delayed because he wanted to attend mass several times a day. King Louis IX banned priests from Henry's route so that he could arrive quicker. The Plantagenet's bloodiest ruler is Henry.
Eleanor of Provence was Louis IX's sister and she bore him five children.
The Henry III - England's Most Pious King is a documentary on the internet.
An illuminated manuscript by a man.
The age of ascension is 14 years.
Edward III is credited with restoring royal authority to the English crown and expanding English lands on the continent.
Edward was crowned at 14 years old after his father was deposed by his mother. Edward led a coup d'état at the age of 17 and took control of the government. The young king won his first military victory.
Edward III declared himself the rightful heir to the French throne in 1337, sparking a war that lasted for 100 years.
Edward created a new title of Duke and fostered a sense of camaraderie between lords and the crown. The Welsh myths of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were revived by him and he founded the Order of the Garter.
Edward had a renewed national identity and moved away from French as the official language of the state. Parliament was opened in English in 1363.
It is not about Edward but it is about the war he started and a great film.
A portrait of a man.
The age of ascension is 24 years old.
William I ruled over Scotland for 48 years and was a thorn in the side of Henry II.
William charged the English troops himself, yelling "Now we shall see which of us are good knights!" before being captured, dragged away in chains and sent off to Normandy.
He swore fealty to Henry II after coming back to Scotland. Henry II was given the right to pick William's bride. William was married to a great-granddaughter of Henry I and it wasn't a good marriage.
I don't think there is a movie about William I, so I would recommend one about William Wallace.
Llywelyn is a great person.
The age of ascension is 22 years old.
Llywelyn the Great was not a king of England but of Wales.
The young king had to wrest the crown from his uncle's illegitimate children in order to become the ruler. He was the rightful heir since his father was the only legitimate son of Owain. When Llywelyn was a young boy, his uncle had divided the land between them.
In 1194, he defeated his uncle. His uncle passed away the next year. Both Llywelyn and Gruffudd ap Cynan paid tribute to King John. Matthew Paris gave him the title of the great. No man has ever made better use of the native force of the Welsh people for adequate national ends than the chieftain who battled against the Anglo-Norman power.
Welsh politics was complicated with many rivals vying for power. It is a bloody story as well. Llywelyn's grandson, Llywelyn the Last, was not as lucky as his grandfather was. The prince was tricked and deceived by his enemies and was killed in battle and his head was sent to London. Llywelyn was referred to as "The Last" by the people of Wales because it was conquered by the English.
The Last Prince of Wales is a documentary about Llywelyn the Last, not the Great.
The queen is Elizabeth I.
The age of ascension is 25 years.
One of the greatest English monarchs of all time was the first Elizabeth, who ruled over England during the "golden age" of literature. She gets an entire Era named after her.
She was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn and succeeded her sister Mary I when she died childless.
After 44 years of rule, Elizabeth was compared to the Virgin Mary. It is not clear if Elizabeth was a virgin or not, but she played up her virginity.
Elizabeth covered a lot of societal change. She oversaw the disappearance of the first English settlement in America, the Roanoke Colony.
With no heirs, Elizabeth left the question of succession to her advisers. James VI of Scotland ruled for even longer than Elizabeth did, but she never gained her fame or cult of personality.
What to watch next is Elizabeth.
David I.
The age of ascension is five years.
David II died in 1341. The Second War of Scottish Independence was fought by him. He fled to France for a decade after losing the Battle of Halidon Hill.
He supported France in the 100 Years War and waged a war for Scottish independence until the Treaty of Berwick was signed. David II had been in an English prison for eleven years and was released for 100,000 merk.
David II left the Scottish monarchy in a better position than he found it. Robert II succeeded his uncle as the last male of the House of Bruce.
Crusader Kings II is a game in which David II is the king of Scotland.
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